Defenseless against the Crazies

October 23, 2010 – 2:43 pm

Crazies, by definition, aren’t very careful about the facts.

What makes the Republicans unable to keep their crazies at arms length is that the non-crazy Republicans have abandoned adherence to the strong American pragmatic value of evidence.

“I believe it if I see it” is a deep strain of Americanism found in country and city,
homemaker, hamburger flipper, and humorist.

The Republican party is now dominated by two sets of folks. Those from the evangelical Christianist faith tradition in which a lot of preposterous myths are unquestionable, and the Straussian Neocons who practice the leadership model that any lie is acceptable if it gets the people to move towards the desired outcome.

Republicans who have given up the core American value of evidence, have no defense against their crazies.

Prompted by Steve Benen.

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  • services sprite Defenseless against the Crazies
  • services sprite Defenseless against the Crazies
  • services sprite Defenseless against the Crazies
  • services sprite Defenseless against the Crazies
  • services sprite Defenseless against the Crazies

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